Jack Brown Eyecare, Edinburgh Opticians.
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The globe of the eye is made of five layers and the cornea is the transparent front portion. It is also the most sensitive structure in the body because of the density of nerves.
The cornea owes its transparency to the presence of a regular lattice structure of collagen fibres. Anything which affects this regularity results in loss of the transparency which is essential for good corneal function and health.
Corneal dystrophies form a group of rare disorders which usually affect both eyes. They may be present at birth, but more frequently develop during adolescence and progress gradually throughout life. Some forms are mild, others severe.
The Causes of Corneal DystrophiesThis group of disorders tends to run in families and the causes of most corneal dystrophies will lie in individual genetic make-up.
Effects of the three main types of Corneal DystrophyAlthough age of onset, symptoms and progression differ in the various dystrophies, most cases of corneal dystrophy fall into three well defined clinical and genetic types, classified by their inheritance pattern and appearance. These are Dominant Granular Dystrophies, Recessive Macular Dystrophy and Dominant Lattice-like Dystrophies.
Among other types Fingerprint Dystrophy, Fuch's Dystrophy, Meesman Dystrophy and RET-Buckler Dystrophy are most encountered.
Genetic InheritanceDominant, single gene diseases result from one of a pair of matched autosomal genes having a disease and the other being normal.
With each pregnancy there is a 1 in 2 chance of the disease appearing in the offspring.
Recessive single gene disease requires both parents to carry the condition and this results in a 1 in 4 inheritance risk in each pregnancy.
Only siblings within a single generation are affected, unless members of that generation create offspring with another carrier of the specific gene.
It is valuable to seek genetic advice on all conditions, which have an hereditary cause in order to identify how this may affect individual family members. Information about local genetic services will be available from your General Practitioner or the hospital eye specialist.
PrognosisAlthough there are many more forms of corneal dystrophy, essentially there are three inherited classical varieties and the progress and likely outcome varies with each.
In some conditions corneal grafting offers a good prospect of visual improvement.
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